API SUMMIT 2024 by Kong
Where APIs & AI converge

Kong's API SUMMIT 2024

The anual event by Kong. Join the online event for free.

Join API innovators, microservices masters, and AI visionaries from around the world for a virtual event exploring the cutting edge of building better digital experiences.

Kong's annual event is back! Join us for free and experience an inspiring online event that you won't want to miss. Connect with experts in API development, microservices architecture, and artificial intelligence. Discover the latest trends and technologies shaping the digital future and learn how to create outstanding digital experiences. Whether you're an experienced developer, IT architect, or simply passionate about technology, this virtual event offers you valuable insights, hands-on workshops, and the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals.

Online Event
Sven Bernhardt

Sven works as a Chief Architect in the business development and innovation team at OPITZ CONSULTING. He is a Cloud-Native enthusiast, API, and integration geek. In his position, Sven is always curious how new technologies and concepts can help to make IT more valuable and efficient to businesses.

11. September, 11:05 - 11:35h
Efficiently Develop Intelligent Apps with Kong AI Gateway
Sven Bernhardt

Kerstin Kriener

Senior Referentin Marketing Events

+49 2261 6001-1071


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